Wednesday, December 18, 2013

10 good sides of Cucumber as food

Cucumber is a very popular vegetable over the world. The scientific name of cucumber is Cucumis Sativus. The largest amount of cucumber cultivation is done by China and it is 60% in percentage. Its a good and essential foods for almost all type of people. The cucumber contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Sodium, Potassium, Dietary fiber, Sugar. And contains 0% of fat. There are 10 very useful good sides of eating cucumber pointed next of the article.

  1. Cucumber recuperate joint pain of human body.
  2. Burns up cholesterol.
  3. Help to loose extra weight from body.
  4. Improves digestive action.
  5. Helps to recover headaches problem.
  6. Fights and works against cancer.
  7.  Fills up lacking of Mineral & water.
  8. Make hair silky.
  9. Useful for diabetes  patients.
  10. functionate against high blood-pressure.

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